martes, 7 de junio de 2011

The girl who wanted to be a model.

There once was a girl named Carolina and her dream was to be a model, but his family had no money to pay tuition for a modeling academy, all his friends made ​​fun of her when he said his dream was to become a famous model, because that friends do not thinkabout it, but I was Carolina set a goal.

and began to get better grades and so won arship aschol so they can be part of a modeling school after many years won the MissVenezuela. Thanks to that amount a foundation to help people with cancer, donate toys to children who were hospitalized, the amount of a clinic to help women with early pregnancy, brought food to thepockets of the poor, and even help a lot jente. family and friendsproud of her, and she puts forward to every day what you are doing. end.

domingo, 5 de junio de 2011

10 Oraciones Con in,on at.

  1. I will study in the morning 
  2. my mom wakes me up at 5:30.
  3. on saturday I will be visiting the doctor.
  4. my dad would help me in the exhibition at night .
  5. at 10:45 p.m I go to dance.
  6. I will clean up on tuesday. 
  7. tomorrow I will walk the dog at night.
  8. at 8:00 am I do work with some friends.
  9. on wednesday I have a play in the afternoon.
  10. I will make breakfast for my father in the morning.

Cosas Que Realice en Semana Santa.

  • The last saint week, I went to the church with my father, I went to the villa de cura to a country house with my family and friends, we swam on the pool and my father rode horse.

  • my family and I went to the beach too, there we had a funny day, so I was so happy on saint week.